You can still make my heart beat faster n' faster
Ohh, jag som tänkte ge dig en chans, fast vi har nog kommit fram till ikväll att det aldrig kommer bli något :] Vilket inte gör mig något x} hihi, ville bara vara snäll, vilket egentligen inte är en så jättbra idé men aja, nog snack om det ^^ Ska nog försöka sova snart (igen)
Tell me, tell me now
Or is everybody lying' for me?
Tell me cause I can't see!
It's the final countdown...
2, 3 9 dagar kvar!
Hoppas allting blir som planerat (:<3 <3
Igår natt hittade jag en funktion på min blogspot som jag bara älskar! Alltså de är de med att man kan centrera, högerjustera, spalta det mm. Innan kunde jag bara göra lite tjockare bokstäver och kursiv :/ Det var bla df jag gick över till blogg. Men ska nog överge bloggen och övergå till blogspoten igen, ska försöka uppdatera så ofta jag orkar här, men kommer nog för mestadels skriva i den andra. Ohhd et är synd att man börjat få så många besökare här och inga i den andra typ :/ Men kolla in min andra blogg vet jag :D thihi
Det var så himla länge sen man fick sova ut hel och hållet! Gick och la mig efter att jag börjat skriva några meningar här, sen vaknade jag nu nyligen :D 5h typ :D:D:D
Cutie cutie, why are you pickin' on me?
What are you tryin to do? Really I can't get it through?
Why are you so sweet? Couldn't you be more discreet?
Don't know want to do, best to stay true.
I don't wanna care, so stop stare.
Don't wanna "fall back", plz turn black!
Over n' over aigain...
I try try try to get you out of my mind mind mind!
But fuckin cupid got me blind blind blind!
Nej, ska försöka somna, är astrött!
Allting i mitt liv är fan just nu rött :/
If you love something let it go...
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Maybe you've been through this before
But it's my first time so please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
I can't always be playing, playing your fool
I've been waiting for love, and I'm not going to wait any longer!
The 100 Question Purity Test
You Are 79% Pure |
![]() You're pretty pure, and you have no plans on changing that. You do have a devilish side though... and it will probably get the better of you. |
A sign? - One step closer to Prince C
Im a bootyshaker
sweet hips Sunshine pic < 3
Glossed lips
High class
nice ass
Bangin' style
Sexy smile
Temptin lips
Killa kiss
But just wave goodbye, n' blow a kiss cause baby you can't handle this .
My feelins has been confusin' me lately
Everytime I hold on, I should let go
I mean you all, but especially YOU baby!
From time to time, I've been tryin to let go, but it's seemed like you got some kind of hold on me(!)

Fake it, til you make it
Självförtroende så de ryker om de?
It's to late to 'pologize
I may can forgive, but I'll never forget.
Brustet rep kan knytas ihop men knuten finns och sitter fortfarande kvar!
- J'adore (nomore?)
Im not looking at you nomore. Im lookin past you.
It's hard to explain, but you drive me insane. You almost got me breakin down, n' I just can't figure out why. There is so many feelings I try to hide.
Tyvärr är motgångarna fler än medgångarna. Määndie lyft ansiktet mot solen , då ser du inte skuggorna (:

Det enda i livet som man ångrar är de chanserna man inte tog </3
Oh Mandy
du är pinsam, pinsam PINSAM!
Once in a while
I can't see the sun, n' now Im on the run.
I gotta find a way to get outta here .
I want to move on, but I just cant. .
You're still runnin' in my mind when I know you shouldn't be.
You never know what you had, until you lost it
Baby, If you weren't there too catch me when i fall
Then you shouldn't be counting on me returning ur call!
Like I always say; ONE shot, ONE chance!Im not the type too get my heart broken.
Im not the type to get upset n' cry;
cause I never leave my heart open,
never hurts me to say goodbye.
Relationship don't get deep to me,
never got the whole inlove thing.
C - This time was different, feelt like I was just a victim n it cut me like a knife, when you walked out off my life. Now i'm in this condition and I've got all the symptoms of a girl with a broken heart but no matter what you'll never see me cry .
Im sad to see us apart, but thats maybe casue I know it's no more.
I just wanna let you know, that I don't wanna let you go!
If i could take it all back, I WOULD!
SM - was everyting you said a lie lie lie?
My mind is gone, Im spinin round n' deep inside my tears I'll drown.
Im losin grip, what is happining?!
I want someone who's down for me
Someone who can fulfill my needs!
Where are you prince charming?! </3